Peter Baker, President, Live Oak Quality Assurance LLC, is a GXP consultant focused on improving the quality of medicines by providing training and consulting services to organizations looking to improve the quality of their data integrity assurance strategy.
Cultural excellence is achieved through employee education and the ability to think critically while operating within the strict boundaries of the quality system. When employees understand the foundational regulatory expectations for data integrity, their participation in the building and execution of a data governance program becomes invaluable.
As a former FDA investigator and FDA Investigator of the Year (2013), who has inspected facilities around the world, I found that those sites that stood out as industry leaders were those who had a workforce confident in their interpretation of the regulations and could effectively communicate “why they do what they do” from a patient-centric perspective. In these cases, regulatory compliance was obvious, even when dealing with limited resources, due to a primary focus on quality within the design, operation, and monitoring of complex systems. This confidence manifests itself through what we refer to as “quality culture”; an end-to-end manufacturing and testing process that consistently produces a high-quality product that is naturally compliant with any given set of national regulations. Low levels of human error is the goal of every organization, but cannot be achieved when the effort is purely metrics-driven. A combination of meaningful metrics, employee education/empowerment, and a committed team of senior managers is a sure recipe for success.
Click here to find a copy of my current resume.
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